Heart Of Amethyst Update 0.12 released for Patreons and public release date!

Okay, so we’re back here with another update! You guys excited, because I sure am!

So, on this one we’re diving deeper into the royal affairs, and unexpectedly getting involved in them. And what will happen to our beloved fox boy as he meets face to face with the future king of the Canine Kingdom? You think they will get along or perhaps they won’t even stand to be side by side? Guess we’ll have to wait and see how it all develops.

Also, small announcement. 

From now on the updates will go from Patreon exclusive to public in a span of 25 days. I wanna do this for 2 main reasons:

1) Give my Patreons more time to enjoy the exclusivity of the update.

2) Force myself to always publish on the fifth or sixth of every two months. That way I stay consistent on a deadline and the public will always get the update by the end of the month.

I hope you understand my reasoning, and as always, love you lots!

  • Release Date [July the 31st- Wednesday]

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